Monday, January 26, 2015

30 Before 30

When I was preparing to turn 25 years old, I was inspired by a co-worker to make a list of goals to accomplish before I turned 30. She started her list about a month before her birthday, but I thought a more long-term thing would work better for me. I decided to call it my 30 Before 30

The goal of the list is to help me gain new experiences and expand my comfort zone while becoming more independent and having fun.

Mainly, I want the list to help me become more me

Here is said list:
    1. Take a Cooking Class
    2. Buy a Car
    3. Donate a Gallon of Blood
    4. Pay all my own bills (yeah, my parents still help me out a bit... to be fair, family phone plans are way better than plans for single people)
    5. Take a Trip Out of the U.S.
    6. Run a 5K
    7. Finish Grad School
    8. Go on (another) Mission Trip
    9. Visit 4 new States
    10. Dye my Hair
    11. Host a Cocktail Party
    12. Read 50 Books
    13. Visit 5 (new) Wineries or Breweries
    14. Attend a Major League Baseball Game
    15. Log 1,000 Miles walking/jogging/running
    16. Finish my College Scrapbook
    17. Go Camping
    18. Ride on a Boat on the Mississippi (or other River or Lake)
    19. Take a Trip to Visit a Friend in a Different State
    20. Buy a pair of designer shoes
    21. Take an Architectural Tour
    22. Volunteer in a new capacity/with new organization
    23. Get a Stitch Fix
    24. Attend an Auction
    1. Visit 3 National Landmarks/Historic Places
    2. Visit an Art Museum
    3. Make a meal only using ingredients purchased from the farmer's market
    1. Attend 5 Philanthropic Events
    2. Join a Bible Study
    3. See a Broadway Musical or Professional Ballet

    I'm keeping track of my 30 Before 30 progress here! Check it out!  

Have you made a "Countdown List" before a big milestone? What was it? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Resolutions: 2015 Edition

I like to ponder my yearly resolutions a bit.
It is more of a Dec to Jan project for me.

This year I went with a few "number" goals and a few that are a bit more abstract. And actually, I'd like to refer to this list as my focus for the year. I wrote goals in my notebook and I regret it a bit...
I feel like "resolutions" is such a heavy word. I want this list to be more about ways that I'd like to grow this year and not a marker of success or failure. So, focus (or goal) is it! 

I've also been capturing some more (less serious) things to try in 2015 on my Pinterest Board. Wish me luck!

What goals are you focusing on in 2015? When do you usually plan for the next year? 

I am addicted to lists.

My name is Rachel and I'm addicted to lists.

I love to make them.
I love to cross items from them.
I love them in pen, pencil, or Sharpie.
I love to "accidentally" leave them out when people come over so they see.
I love them at work or home.
I love them on post-its or notepads.
I love to make them look pretty.

I think you get the idea. I love lists.

In the following posts I will share the details of my addiction love affair.

(Here I use the word addiction with humor, but I understand that addiction is a serious problem. National Institute on Drug Abuse has all sorts of interesting and helpful information regarding addiction.)